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    Rain by W. Somerset Maughan part 9


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    Registration date : 2008-12-25

    Rain by W. Somerset Maughan part 9 Empty Rain by W. Somerset Maughan part 9

    Post  Admin Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:31 pm

    They all looked forward to the Tuesday when the boat for San Francisco was to arrive from Sydney. The strain was intolerable. So far as Dr. Macphail was concerned, his pity and his resentment were alike extinguished by his desire to be rid of the unfortunate woman. The inevitable must be accepted. He felt he would breathe more freely when the ship had sailed. Sadie Thompson was to be escorted on board by a clerk in the governor`s office. This person called on the Monday evening and told Miss Thompson to be prepared at eleven in the morning. Davidson was with her.
    "I`ll see that everything is ready. I mean to come on board with her myself."
    Miss Thompson did not speak.
    When Dr. Macphail blew out his candle and crawled cautiously under his mosquito curtains, he gave a sigh of relief.
    "Well, thank God that`s over. By this time tomorrow she`ll be gone."
    "Mrs. Davidson will be glad too. She says he`s wearing himself to a shadow," said Mrs. Macphail. "She`s a different woman."
    "Sadie, I should never have thought it possible. It makes one humble."
    Dr. Macphail did not answer, and presently he fell asleep. He was tired out, and he slept more soundly than usual.
    He was awakened in the morning by a hand placed on his arm, and, starting up, saw Horn by the side of his bed. The trader put his finger on his mouth to prevent any exclamation from Dr. Macphail and beckoned to him to come. As a rule he wore shabby ducks, but now he was barefoot and wore only the lava-lava of the natives. He looked suddenly savage, and Dr. Macphail, getting out of bed, saw that he was heavily tattooed. Horn made him a sign to come on to the verandah. Dr. Macphail got out of bed and followed the trader out.
    "Don`t make a noise," he whispered. "You`re wanted. Put on a coat and some shoes. Quick."
    Dr. Macphail`s first thought was that something had happened to Miss Thompson.
    "What is it? Shall I bring my instruments?"
    "Hurry, please, hurry."
    Dr. Macphail crept back into the bedroom, put on a waterproof over his pyjamas, and a pair of rubber-soled shoes. He rejoined the trader, and together they tiptoed down the stairs. The door leading out to the road was open and at it were standing half a dozen natives.
    "What is it?" repeated the doctor.
    "Come along with me," said Horn.
    He walked out and the doctor followed him. The natives came after them in a little bunch. They crossed the road and came on to the beach. The doctor saw a group of natives standing round some object at the water`s edge. They hurried along, a couple of dozen yards perhaps, and the natives opened out as the doctor came up. The trader pushed him forwards. Then he saw, lying half in the water and half out, a dreadful object, the body of Davidson. Dr. Macphail bent down - he was not a man to lose his head in an emergency - and turned the body over. The throat was cut from ear to ear, and in the right hand was still the razor with which the deed was done.
    "He`s quite cold," said the doctor. "He must have been dead some time."
    "One of the boys saw him lying there on his way to work just now and came and told me. Do you think he did it himself?"
    "Yes. Someone ought to go for the police."
    Horn said something in the native tongue, and two youths started off.
    "We must leave him here till they come," said the doctor.
    "They mustn`t take him into my house. I won`t have him in my house."
    "You`ll do what the authorities say," replied the doctor sharply. "In point of fact I expect they`ll take him to the mortuary."
    They stood waiting where they were. The trader took a cigarette from a fold in his lava-lava and gave one to Dr. Macphail. They smoked while they stared at the corpse. Dr. Macphail could not understand.
    "Why do you think he did it?" asked Horn.
    The doctor shrugged his shoulders. In a little while native police came along, under the charge of a marine, with a stretcher, and immediately afterwards a couple of naval officers and a naval doctor. They managed everything in businesslike manner.
    "What about the wife." said one of the officers.
    "Now that you`ve come I`ll go back to the house and get some things on. I`ll see that it`s broken to her. She`d better not see him till he`s been fixed up a little."
    "I guess that`s right," said the naval doctor. When Dr. Macphail went back he found his wife nearly dressed.
    "Mrs. Davidson`s in a dreadful state about her husband," she said to him as soon as he appeared. "He hasn`t been to bed all night. She heard him leave Miss Thompson`s room at two, but he went out. If he`s been walking about since then he`ll be absolutely dead."
    Dr. Macphail told her what had happened and asked her to break the news to Mrs. Davidson.
    "But why did he do it?" she asked, horror-stricken.
    "I don`t know."
    "But I can`t. I can`t."
    "You must."
    She gave him a frightened look and went out He heard her go into Mrs. Davidson`s room. He waited a minute to gather himself together and then began to shave and wash. When he was dressed he sat down on the bed and waited for his wife. At last she came.
    "She wants to see him," she said.
    "They`ve taken him to the mortuary. We`d better go down with her. How did she take it?"
    "I think she`s stunned. She didn`t cry. But she`s trembling like a leaf."
    "We`d better go at once."
    When they knocked at her door Mrs. Davidson came out. She was very pale, but dry-eyed. To the doctor she seemed unnaturally composed. No word was exchanged, and they set out in silence down the road. When they arrived at the mortuary Mrs. Davidson spoke.
    "Let me go in and see him alone."
    They stood aside. A native opened a door for her and closed it behind her. They sat down and waited. One or two white men came and talked to them in undertones. Dr. Macphail told them again what he knew of the tragedy. At last the door was quietly opened and Mrs. Davidson came out. Silence fell upon them.
    "I`m ready to go back now," she said.
    Her voice was hard and steady. Dr. Macphail could not understand the look in her eyes. Her pale face was very stern. They walked back slowly, never saying a word, and at last they came round the bend on the other side of which stood the ir house. Mrs. Davidson gave a gasp, and for moment they stopped still. An incredible sound assaulted their ears. The gramophone which had been silent for so long was playing, playing ragtime loud and harsh.
    "What`s that?" cried Mrs. Macphail with horror.
    "Let`s go on," said Mrs. Davidson.
    They walked up the steps and entered the hall. Miss Thompson was standing at her door, chatting with a sailor. A sudden change had taken place in her. She was no longer the cowed drudge of the last days. She was dressed in all her finery, in her white dress, with the high shiny boots over which her fat legs bulged in their cotton stockings; her hair was elaborately arranged; and she wore that enormous hat covered with gaudy flowers. Her face was painted, her eyebrows were boldly black, and her lips were scarlet. She held herself erect. She was the flaunting quean that they had known at first. As they came in she broke into a loud, jeering laugh; and then, when Mrs. Davidson involuntarily stopped, she collected the spittle in her mouth and spat. Mrs. Davidson cowered back, and two red spots rose suddenly to her cheeks. Then, covering her face with her hands, she broke away and ran quickly up the stairs. Dr. Macphail was outraged. He pushed past the woman into her room.
    "What the devil are you doing?" he cried. "Stop that, damned machine."
    He went up to it and tore the record off. She turned on him.
    "Say, doc, you can't do that stuff with me. What the hell are you doin` in my room? "
    "What do you mean?" he cried. "What d`you mean?"
    She gathered herself together. No one could describe the scorn of her expression or the contemptuous hatred she put into her answer.
    "You men! You filthy, dirty pigs! You`re all the same, all of you. Pigs! Pigs!"
    Dr. Macphail gasped. He understood.

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 01, 2024 9:31 am